Recently, I had the opportunity to present a session on “What’s New in vSphere 6” at the New England Virtualization Technology Users Group (NEVTUG). During the Q&A portion of the session, I had a variety of asks on specific details about vSphere 6, but also some requests for links to information I referenced in the session. My commitment to the audience was to provide that information as best as I could (and without getting myself into trouble), so I offer up the following:
Tag Archive: GS Khalsa
May 01
NEVTUG Spring Ahead 2015 notes
This is a VMware blog post by Don Sullivan of VMware. It’s one-stop shopping for Oracle on VMware information:
There is a white paper on Whats New in vSphere 6 authored by Mike Brown, GS Khalsa, Jeff Hunter and Matthew Meyer of VMware. Matt actually presented the slide deck version of this when he was at Partner Exchange earlier in the year:
Hope this detail is helpful, and always feel free to drop me a line. Special thanks to Chris Harney of NEVTUG for the invitation!
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