

May 29

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VMworld session voting

I submitted several sessions. Of course, just like everyone else, I could use your help when it comes to voting. These are the ones I submitted (or are part of):

  • 1154 – vCloud Director Infrastructure Resiliency – DR of the Cloud – Chris Colotti and Duncan Epping
    In this session Chris and I will focus on vCloud Director infrastructure resilience. Although there is no direct vCloud Director and Site Recovery manager integration, we will look at how to replicate the data, what applications are primary targets, how to size environments, how to maintain multi-tenancy, and what to avoid when architecting these solutions.
  • 1159 – Architecting and Operating a vSphere Metro Storage Cluster – Lee Dilworth and Duncan Epping
    In this session Lee Dilworth and I will discuss the design and operational considerations for vSphere Metro Storage Clusters environments, also commonly referred to as stretched cluster environments. Best practices around implementation and design will be shared. Various failure scenarios which can occur in a stretched storage environment are discussed in-depth including how vSphere 5 responds to these failures.
  • 1202 – Cloud Infrastructure Architecture and Operations Q&A – Chris Colotti, Kamau Wanguhu, Aidan Dalgleish and Duncan Epping
    This is the only session at VMworld which will allow you to freely ask four VMware Certified Design Experts (VCDX) questions around how to architect and operate your cloud infrastructure. Our panel holds expertise on Networking, Storage, vCloud Director and vSphere and consists of Chris Colotti (VCDX037), Kamau Wanguhu (VCDX003), Aidan Dalgleish (VCDX010) and Duncan Epping (VCDX007). We will help you make the right decisions while explaining some of the underlying fundamental concepts of the Cloud Infrastructure Suite allowing you to optimize your operations and architecture. This is one of those sessions that you cannot afford to miss out on!
  • 1504 – Ask the Expert vBloggers – Scott Lowe, Duncan Epping, Rick Scherer, Frank Denneman, Chad Sakac
    One of the highest rated sessions at VMworld is back for it’s fifth year! Come meet four VMware Certified Design Experts (VCDX) on stage answering your questions. We get the top Virtualization Bloggers in the industry and get them on stage answering your questions in a wide array of topics.

Of course there are a million other great sessions you should be voting for… Chris Colotti, David Hill, Frank Denneman, Cormac Hogan, Tom Stephens and many others submitted excellent sessions, don’t forget to vote for them as well. Thanks for taking the time!

VMworld session voting” originally appeared on Yellow-Bricks.com. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
Available now: vSphere 5 Clustering Deepdive. (paper | e-book)

Permanent link to this article: http://www.startswithv.com/2012/05/29/vmworld-session-voting/