Monthly Archive: December 2008

Dec 19

Virtualization and the Greenlight Effect

This is an interesting concept – the Greenlight Effect.

Tarkan Maner, CEO of Wyse, writes:

“The Greenlight Effect is simple.  It’s the proposition that technology purchases that might not otherwise be approved in one business climate (an economic downturn such as this, for example), will be ‘greenlighted’ when the cost of energy becomes prohibitive or the motivation to reduce carbon emissions becomes more pronounced.”

Virtualization and the Greenlight Effect : – Virtualization Technology News and Information for Everyone.

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Dec 18

Virtualization Management Software Should Solve Business Problems, Not Create Them – Part One

Virtualization Management Software Should Solve Business Problems, Not Create Them – Part One.

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Dec 15

DynamicOps updates product and roster list; Stephen Pollack as an advisor

DynamicOps updates product and roster list; Stephen Pollack as an advisor |Virtualization Report | David Marshall | InfoWorld

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