

May 28

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vSphere 4.1 HA/DRS Deepdive promo was a huge hit!

Thanks to each and everyone of you who took the time to download the vSphere 4.1 HA/DRS Deepdive kindle copy during our promo days. Over 6000 downloads in just 2 days is nothing short of amazing. Frank and I were talking about this promo opportunity a week ago for the 4.1 book and never anticipated on these kind of numbers. We expected a couple of hundred copies to be given away, maybe close to a 1000, but definitely not 6000+. Just some facts about this promo:

  • 175+ retweets of my tweets
  • 600+ tweets
  • 30.000+ people reached
  • 6000+ Kindle copies

We were shocked, we anticipated on a couple of hundred copies, maybe close to a 1000, but never did we anticipate on 6000 kindle copies being downloaded. Thanks to everyone who helped driving this. All the tweets / facebook and G+ mentions helped with this huge success.


vSphere 4.1 HA/DRS Deepdive promo was a huge hit!” originally appeared on Yellow-Bricks.com. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
Available now: vSphere 5 Clustering Deepdive. (paper | e-book)

Permanent link to this article: http://www.startswithv.com/2012/05/28/vsphere-4-1-hadrs-deepdive-promo-was-a-huge-hit/