Monthly Archive: November 2008

Nov 25

Technologist shakes fist angrily at "THE" Cloud

Cloud Computing Is Real; “THE Cloud?” – Not So Much

This guy is clearly pissed. It starts with the subheading:

“Will You All Please Shut-Up About Securing THE Cloud…NO SUCH THING..”
and goes on to say:

“This love affair with abusing the amorphous thing called “THE Cloud” is rapidly approaching meteoric levels of asininity.”

…and, I can only whole-heartedly agree…

Cloud Computing Is Real; “THE Cloud?” – Not So Much.

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Nov 25

Cross-Platform Tools Needed to Combat Virtualization Sprawl – ALREADY EXIST!

Unfortunately, the author of this article has never heard of DynamicOps VRM

Cross-Platform Tools Needed to Combat Virtualization Sprawl by Cameron Sturdevant @ eWEEK

Hmmm… this article describes the need for DynamicOps Virtual Resource Manager to a tee…  I wonder how much you have to pay to get your name into these articles, anyway…

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Nov 24

DynamicOps releases Flash Demo of Virtual Desktop integration with XenDesktop

DynamicOps has published a Flash Video of their Desktop Demo

demonstrating how they are able to integrate their Virtual Resource Manager product with Citrix XenDesktop and Provisioning Server.

You can check out the demo here:

Automating Virtual Desktop Service Delivery and Ongoing Management

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